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Webinar to focus on conversational skills

Can we talk?

Those three words carry considerable weight in any human relationship, and "Conversation and Public Skills" will be the topic of an online workshop to be presented on Wednesday, July 22 from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

"Strong conversation skills can make a big difference in the workplace. Learn to be effective in crucial conversations and public speaking," the workshop's description reads.

The workshop is being presented by the Greater Abbeville Chamber of Commerce, Clemson Extension, and SBDC, and it is being organized by the Freshwater Coast Center for Rural Development.

The guest lecturer will be Wilder Ferreira, the director of the Freshwater Coast for Rural Development, who was asked Thursday if there is a different "vibe" with an online program aside from the technical aspect. Do people learn as much as they would "in person?"

He was also asked, "What's the most important thing to remember about conversational skills?"

"I don't see any difference between the two modes (in person and virtual)," he replied. "It seems that webinars have more attendance. About 80 percent of people who register tune in. In person, it is about 50 percent or less. I believe they learn the same in person or virtual."

"Yesterday (July 8), the subject (of a previous webinar) was cultural intelligence. Tough subject for people to share their thoughts. There are a lot of barriers to be broken in terms of race and religion. Acceptance is the answer."

Ferreira provided a small preview of the upcoming webinar.

"The conversation skills will be very interesting as I will focus on dealing with crucial conversations. Those conversations that can ruin a marriage, relationship, a career if not adequately dealt with.

The mistake most of us make in our crucial conversations is that we have to choose between telling the truth and keeping a friend. The goal is to find a mutual purpose. Dialogue is maintained when others perceive that you're working toward a common outcome in the conversation, that you care about their goals, interests and values."

For more information, email or call 864-642-8758.

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