The filing period for those individuals wishing to be candidates in the elections for Abbeville City Council and the Abbeville County School District Board of Trustees will continue up until Monday, August 17, at noon, according to the Abbeville County voter registration and elections office.
The individuals who had filed as of Tuesday, August 11, shortly before noon, include the following, according to the voter registration:
Mayor of Abbeville -- Robert Eric Delgado
Mayor of Abbeville -- Joshua Bryan Baughman
Mayor of Abbeville -- Santana Delano Freeman
Mayor of Abbeville -- Trey Edwards
City Council District Seven -- Benji Greeson
City Council District Five -- James "J.J." Jackson
City Council District Two -- Faye Thomas
City Council District Eight -- James Grant
City Council District Eight -- Matthew Horace Gambrell
Abbeville County School District Board of Trustees Area Five -- David Brooks
There have been no filings for school board seats for Areas Two, Four, and Eight, according to the office.
School board and City Council elections, which are nonpartisan, will be held as part of the general election on Nov. 3.
For more information, one may call the voter registration office at 366-2400, extension 53.