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Letter to the editor

By John Milburn

The traditional length of a treatment program is an addict's first choice. Not wanting to miss out on work, holidays, or other responsibilities makes someone more hesitant to committing to long term treatment. We have to keep in mind that when choosing a treatment that will promote the goal of staying drug free for good is not all about length of time but effectiveness towards the goal.

Traditional 28-day programs do not offer as much time for their body to heal before they dive into the reasons why the addict turned to drugs. Whether it be from childhood or the roller coaster of addiction, a longer treatment program offers the time to discover and conquer the root of the problem drugs were thought to be a solution for.

For more information on choosing treatment, go to the Narconon - Suncoast Blog here. If you are in need of a referral to a treatment center, call us at 877-841-5509.

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