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Local state of emergency

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Submitted by David Gardner, Abbeville County Director

Abbeville County officials continue to monitor for the presence of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Abbeville County, South Carolina, in coordination with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC). In preparation for the virus, Abbeville County Council will be holding a virtual emergency meeting to discuss declaring a Local State of Emergency. By declaring a local state of emergency, this allows local officials to activate our county wide emergency operations plan and continuity of operations plan to provide a seamless response to a very fluid situation.

Beginning Thursday, March 19th, 2020 at noon all county offices and facilities will be closed to the public. It is encouraged to handle any business through online transactions, email, postal services, or telephone. These plans are subject to change as the situation evolves. County employees will still report to work under normal business hours unless otherwise noted. These measures are being implemented to mitigate the spread of the virus.

The following changes will be made to County offices and facilities:

Treasurer’s Office – Business is encouraged to be handled through online transactions, email, or by telephone. Online payments can be made at Phone payments can be made by calling (888) 514-9834. Employees can be reached by calling (864) 366-5312 Ext. 58 or by fax (864) 366-8104.

Tax Assessor’s Office – All business can be conducted by phone, online, email, or postal services. Employees can be reached at (864) 366-5312 Ext. 51 or by fax (864) 366-6632. Online forms can be downloaded from

Veterans Affairs Office – All in-person business has been suspended. Employees can be reached at (864) 366-2608 or by fax (864)366-2625. More information can be found at

Building and Codes Enforcement / Planning and Zoning– New construction permit or general permit applications can be downloaded from and processed via online, phone, fax, or mail. Please contact office employees to discuss other related matters. Employees can be reached by phone at (864) 366-2400 Ext. 2224 or fax (864) 366-1802. Inspections will still be conducted on a case by case basis. Any person(s) present for an inspection will complete a CDC required screening process to ensure there are no exposures to staff members.

Landfill and Convenience Centers – All convivence center locations, as well at the county landfill will remain open to the public subject to change in the future. It is encouraged that if you bring items to any location, that you are able to unload them without assistance from employees. Employees will follow CDC recommended distancing practices. Any changes to times/dates will be updated as necessary. Current operating times can be found at

Voter Registration Office – The voter registration office will be closed to the public. Persons wishing to file for candidacy will be allowed to schedule an appointment with office employees. When you arrive to the building, there will be a phone number to call the building deputy on duty that will allow you into the building. Before entering the building, you will complete a CDC screening for virus symptoms. If you exhibit any symptoms, you will not be allowed to conduct business. Appointments can be made by calling (864) 366-2400 Ext. 53.

Delinquent Tax Office – Online tax information can be found at Reminder that delinquent taxes cannot be paid online or over the phone. Employees can be reached at (864) 366-5312 Ext. 54 or fax (864) 366-6631.

Auditors Office – All taxed related questions can be conducted through email, phone, or by postal services. Employees can be reached at (864) 366-5312 Ext. 59 or by fax (864) 366-6632.

Court Systems / Register of Deeds

Clerk to Court – Please refer all questions pertaining to court status to (864) 366-5312 Ext. 55

Magistrates Office – Please refer all questions pertaining to court status to (864) 446-6500 Ext. 2435

Probate Office - Please refer all questions pertaining to court status to (864) 366-5312 Ext. 62

Register of Deeds Office –The register of deeds office will be closed to the public. Persons wishing to utilize services will be allowed to schedule an appointment with office employees. When you arrive to the building, there will be a phone number to call the building deputy on duty that will allow you into the building. Before entering the building, you will complete a CDC screening for virus symptoms. If you exhibit any symptoms, you will not be allowed to conduct business. Appointments can be made by calling (864) 366-5312 Ext. 2203.

Sheriff Office / Detention Center – The Sheriff’s office will continue to operate normally with no reduction in services. Deputies will ask for anyone that is able to step outside to speak with them. If you can conduct your business with Deputies over the phone, it is encouraged to call (864) 446-6000. All visitation to the detention center has been suspended until further notice.

Rural Fire Service / EMS – All services will continue with no reduction of services.

Animal Services – The animal shelter will be closed to the public. All animal services will be suspended with the exception of animal bites or quarantine cases. Surrender services will be suspended until further notice. Adoption services will be available by appointment only and only one person will be allowed in the shelter during this process. Please call (864) 366-2403.

County Library System –The Abbeville County Library and other branches will be closed to the public. All library related programs are suspended. Book returns will not be accepted and no late fees will be charged. As soon as the library system reopens, books can be returned.

Abbeville County continues its mission to provide a safe and healthy community for our residents and visitors, and will continue to follow recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), SC DHEC, and the Governor’s Office. We recommend to follow all issued advisories or executive orders including CDC hygiene practices, social distancing when possible and/or to avoid public places entirely, and no community function of 50 or more people.

If you are concerned about possibly having the Coronavirus or begin having symptoms related to the illness (fever, cough, shortness of breath, or have been in contact with someone who has the virus), SC DHEC recommends you utilize online virtual care centers. Virtual COVID-19 consultations are free. Below are links to several telehealth services provided throughout South Carolina.

Telephone Screening Services – Self Regional Healthcare (864) 725-4500.

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